IELTSライティング タスク2の書き方やサンプル&解答例を紹介!
今回は、IELTSライティング タスク2の書き方やサンプル&解答例についてまとめました。
記事を最後までチェックして、IELTSライティング タスク2の攻略に必要な情報を一通り手に入れましょう。
IELTSライティング タスク2の試験概要
IELTSライティング タスク2の試験概要は、以下のとおりです。
- 問題概要:エッセイ
- 試験時間:40分
- 文字数:250文字以上
- 配点:タスク1の2倍
IELTSライティング タスク2のサンプル問題は以下の通りです。
IELTSライティング タスク1と比べると、文字数が100文字増え、試験に費やす時間の目安は2倍になっています。
IELTSライティング タスク2の書き方・コツ
- 設問に対する自分の意見を決める
- エッセイの概要を決める
IELTSライティング タスク1は、図表を読み取る問題で、自分の意見を述べる必要はありませんでした。一方のIELTSライティング タスク2では、自分の意見を述べる必要があります。
- 主張:2文
- 理由や具体例①:5文程度
- 理由や具体例②:5文程度
- 結論:3文程度
IELTSライティング タスク2の問題サンプル
IELTSライティング タスク2の問題サンプルは、以下のページから3問分入手可能です。ぜひチェックしてみてください。
IELTSライティング タスク2の解答例
I greatly support the idea about children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children brought up by wealthy parents.
I support it, because of the following reason.
Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are raise in a certain psychological values. Such as the value of hardworking, discipline, they are used to be in the condition where money doesn’t come easily.
They have to earn it, work for it, oppose to it, a child who comes from a wealthy family is used to have money all the time. Whenever they want something, the money is easily gave to them as if everyday are their birthday.
Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are well-trained to face adulthood.
They are well-prepared to see the fact that the world is a very tough place. They watched their parent everyday worked very hard just to put food on the table. They have the advantage to see the reality and embrace it, set their mind that they too have work hard for their future, their own dreams, their authentic self.
A child that came from a wealthy family doesn’t always have this advantage. This is because their eyes are blinded by the power of money, that their parents has.
They also have disadvantage of a family love life. Commonly wealthy parents express love by money. They love their children, so they bought them cars, expensive clothes, toys, but they are never home when their children needs them.
The basic necessity of compassion isn’t fulfilled in this kind of family. The impact to a child is that they will grow up and think that money is everything, that the source of happiness is money.
They don’t care about other people, they only care about money. The problem is they don’t know how to get it, they’ve been spoiled all the time. So doesn’t have the time to discovered the art of money making, only money spending.
On the contrary children from families that do not have large amount of money will grow up with the sense of respect for money, they know how to get it and use it well.
They know how to face adult life problems because they’ve been watching since they were a child. But a wealthy child is always busy with himself to know that.
IELTSライティング タスク2の書き方やサンプル&解答例について解説しました。本記事で紹介した内容を頭に入れてから、IELTSライティング タスク2対策を始めてみてください。
IELTSライティング タスク1については、以下の記事で解説しています。
関連記事:IELTSライティング タスク1の書き方やサンプル&解答例を紹介!
Versant 29 → 40
目標:海外選手に英語でインタビューする。達 成
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